First stop was Hosoi Mura – Edo Honshu Japan on Kitely. Amiryu Hosoi has created some of the most epic and realistic regions on Opensim. The wide open vistas are jaw-dropping. The building interiors are meticulously textured. There is even realistic steam at the baths. I am sad to say that my little laptop could not render fast enough and so these photos are full of gray areas that are actually very lovely textures. If you want to see what opensim is capable of in the hands of a master environmental artist, visit this region.
Our second stop was on Dorena’s grid. We visited theBeeblebrox region, where we visited a speakeasy a theatre, an art exhibition and train station. This region is also home to the Hyperzette which all of you should be reading. Min gave us a whirlwind tour during which my computer once again let me down and did not render everything properly. 🙁 Sorry.
We ended our tour at the Littlefield fashion show just at the grand finale moment. It looked like a fabulous set and show. I hear there will be a video coming out soon! Well done! Mura – Edo Honshu Japan