Oct 11, 2014 Metaverse Tour

We started with a ride on the Hudson River Train Line a world created by Karima Hoisan with scripting by Dale Innis. I think of her worlds as “virtual world poems.” This one explores sights, sounds and sensations along the Hudson River Line as it winds it’s way into New York City. At each train station there is a little media display evoking the neighborhood. When you jump off the train at the end of the line there’s a little surprise.  (grid.kitely.com:8002:The Hudson Line)

There was talk of avatars and so we headed out to the Avatar region on Francogrid where high quality avatars can be picked up for free. The region itself is a work of art and in one corner are some exhibits about the nature of avatars.  (http://hg.francogrid.org:80:Avatar)

Talia and I needed to do a little shopping so we headed to the Craft Store on Craft Grid to swoop up some well-made freebies.  I got a new pair of boots since my feet go all wonky when I hypergrid. The Craft Store is at:  craft-world.org:8002:Craft-Store